Previous Logo Orders - AfterSale Extras
This form is for ordering Logo updates, revisions and extra sizes after your initial logo order has been completed. You must have ordered a logo before requesting these services. These are add-ons after the order is completed or in addition to the logo order. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Payments will be processed thru the secure PayPal payment system. Please remember that it will take 3-4 business days to process your request. Files will be sent by email. Select as many formats and sizes as you wish.
Please Note: In order to complete the ordering process, you must confirm the information is correct. If it is, then confirm the order, which will take you to a thank you page. At this point, click on the continue button to enter the PayPal payment system. After the payment transaction is complete, click on the continue button to finish the order cycle.